S(o)cial issue post(e)r
the fort painted on a wall with weights

For this project, my class and I had to pick out a company/artist to rebrand. I picked a gym located in New York called The Fort. The Fort is a gym known for its small training groups of up to four people at a time, led by a coach. This allows the coaches to provide their undivided attention while training all the while making it more fun and affordable. The fort is for everyone. They will meet you at your progress level and make the training appropriate for you whether you were a high level athlete or are a beginner.

Blue CMYK swatch
Grey CMYK swatch
yellow CMYK swatch

GT American

GT America is the missing bridge between 19th century American Gothics and 20th century European Neo-Grotesk typefaces. It uses the best design features from both traditions in the widths and weights where they function optimally. This typeface helps to demonstrate the strong and solid concept behind the company.


business cards the fort
the fort stationary

My goal with this logo was to produce the feeling of a solid structure that wouldn't be able to be knocked down. This reflects the structure and solidity of the small group workout. It pushes the idea that smaller groups are a lot more unified than larger ones. This project was so much fun to work on. The ideas kept coming in and I tried so many options for so many applications.

the fort Protein bars
The fort protein powder
the fort delivery boxes
the fort sports bra
the fort sport bar and leggings
the fort tote bag