Ab(o)ut me, with an outline of mountains in the background
Julianne Huberdeau in a black cowboy hat

Howdy! My name is Julianne Huberdeau and I am a graphic designer based in Montréal, Québec. Funny enough, design was not a career I thought would call to me as much as it did However, once I started to learn about it, I fell in love with it! When I am not working, I - as you might have guess from my picture - horse ride. I am very outdoorsy and riding has been one of my greatest passions since I have been  years old. I enjoy teamwork because it allows me to learn and connect with peers and a variety of interesting individuals. Overall, I am a joy to be with and crazy about developing new ideas! If you want to work with a funny and joyous cowgirl, please contact me Iwill be pleased to work with you!