A(d)vertising campaign
Durex promotional boxes

Durex stands out by using tasteful and funny advertising. A team and I designed three boxes to attract young and unaware teens/ young adults about safe sexual intercourse. The product offers protection from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The packaging is designed to make safe sex fun and normal. The customer wants quality protection and peace of mind surrounding condom usage.

Durex blue advertisement campaign poster
durex advertisment campaign pink poster
durex advertisment campaign purple poster

My team and I decided to follow the comedic theme Durex has had for years. We decided to play with the products theme by adding textual humour to a product that most are either ashamed, scared, or too shy to buy. We made it look more like a day-to-day product that is shameless and easy to spot on a large commercial shelf.

instagram posts of durex advertisment campaign

Throughout this process, my 3 teammates and I shared equal numbers of tasks. We planned at least one meeting per week, to gather our ideas and make sure we were all on the same page. We thrived by using great communication and good time management. We did not have a leader per-say in our group but there was for sure one to two voices that lead the conversations. My teammates and I did a great job executing a Durex product without going too literal or obvious. I am proud of the outcome and would love to work with a team again on a similar project.